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Photo of Roberto Jeremias jeremias Venezuela

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Martinez, Arturo (1912-1956). Artist. Nascent Cantel, Quetzaltenango. In 1946 he won the award for the export of the APEB with a watercolor. In 1949 he went to study in Italy Parse. Involving different individual and group exhibitions in Guatemala and abroad. In 1952 Ganel first prize in the National Science Literature and Fine Arts. In the same year, third prize Youth doctor. Areo died in an accident. It was established in...

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15.75 x 21.65 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
29.53 x 17.72 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 82.68 in

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Martinez, Arturo (1912-1956). Artist. Nascent Cantel, Quetzaltenango. In 1946 he won the award for the export of the APEB with a watercolor. In 1949 he went to study in Italy Parse. Involving different individual and group exhibitions in Guatemala and abroad. In 1952 Ganel first prize in the National Science Literature and Fine Arts. In the same year, third prize Youth doctor. Areo died in an accident. It was established in Quetzaltenango? Arturo Martinez Award?, One of the most important painting competitions nationwide. Biogrfico an excellent contribution to this artist was written by Guillermo Monsanto (Prensa Libre, Section Culture, 1/30/2000), which in part reads: ? Your name is from a select group of respected creators by artists of different generations, for their contributions and discoveries, were influenced by their successes. Paradoxically also part of the list of the almost forgotten nonexistent Guatemala art history. Arturo Martinez is inicicomo painter teenager at thirteen years old. Realizsus studies at the School of Arts and Crafts for Boys allobtuvo West and the title of "Master of Decorative Painting" from 44 (...) The revolution brought many benefits to the national artist. Artists such as Dagoberto Vsquez, Guillermo Grajeda Mena, Roberto Gonzalez Goyri, valentine Abascal, Rina Lazo, Roberto Ossaye, Len Adalberto Arturo Soto and Martinez, among others, benefited from scholarships to study different specialties in North America, South America, Mexico and some countries in Europe. Lasted 18 months Arturo Martnez studies in France and Italy. (...) It is now very difficult to see their work in museums, books or spaces must investigate and plan their scope.

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